Vrsta i tip objekta
Zemljište -
370 m²
Okolica Crikvenice - Grižane - Dolinci, na ponudi je potpuno ravan građevinski teren veličine 370 m2, sa osiguranim prometnim pristupnim putem i priključcima (struja, voda) na infrastrukturu u blizini.
Minimalna veličina građevinskih čestica u toj zoni iznosi 300m2.
Na ponudi je više terena, od 385m2 do 535m2, a gradivni dio čestica tlocrtno iznosi od 110m2 do 200m2 (ovisno o veličini čestice).
Za sve dodatne informacije i organizaciju razgledavanja nekretnine molimo kontaktirajte agenta na broj 091/5676553 ili na astrid.pavesic@lider.hr
Minimalna veličina građevinskih čestica u toj zoni iznosi 300m2.
Na ponudi je više terena, od 385m2 do 535m2, a gradivni dio čestica tlocrtno iznosi od 110m2 do 200m2 (ovisno o veličini čestice).
Za sve dodatne informacije i organizaciju razgledavanja nekretnine molimo kontaktirajte agenta na broj 091/5676553 ili na astrid.pavesic@lider.hr
Im Gebiet Crikvenica - Grižane - Dolinci bieten wir ein Baugrundstück von 370 m2 an, mit einer gesicherten Zufahrt und Anschlüssen (Strom, Wasser) an die nahe gelegene Infrastruktur.
Die Mindestgröße für Baugrundstücke in dieser Zone beträgt 300m2.
Es sind mehrere Grundstücke im Angebot, von 385m2 bis 535m2, und der bebaubare Teil des Grundstücks liegt zwischen 110m2 und 200m2 (je nach Größe des Grundstücks).
Für weitere Informationen und die Organisation der Besichtigung wenden Sie sich bitte an den Immobilienmakler unter +385 91 5676553 oder per E-Mail an: astrid.pavesic@lider.hr
Die Mindestgröße für Baugrundstücke in dieser Zone beträgt 300m2.
Es sind mehrere Grundstücke im Angebot, von 385m2 bis 535m2, und der bebaubare Teil des Grundstücks liegt zwischen 110m2 und 200m2 (je nach Größe des Grundstücks).
Für weitere Informationen und die Organisation der Besichtigung wenden Sie sich bitte an den Immobilienmakler unter +385 91 5676553 oder per E-Mail an: astrid.pavesic@lider.hr
In the area of Crikvenica - Grižane - Dolinci we offer a building plot of 370 m2, with a secured access road and connections (electricity, water) to the infrastructure nearby.
The minimum size for building plots in this zone is 300m2.
There are several plots on offer, from 385m2 to 535m2, and the buildable part of the plot is between 110m2 and 200m2 (depending on the size of the plot).
For more information and viewing appointments, please contact the real estate agent at +385 91 5676553 or by e-mail at: astrid.pavesic@lider.hr
The minimum size for building plots in this zone is 300m2.
There are several plots on offer, from 385m2 to 535m2, and the buildable part of the plot is between 110m2 and 200m2 (depending on the size of the plot).
For more information and viewing appointments, please contact the real estate agent at +385 91 5676553 or by e-mail at: astrid.pavesic@lider.hr
In the area of Crikvenica - Grižane - Dolinci we offer a building plot of 370 m2, with a secured access road and connections (electricity, water) to the infrastructure nearby.
The minimum size for building plots in this zone is 300m2.
There are several plots on offer, from 385m2 to 535m2, and the buildable part of the plot is between 110m2 and 200m2 (depending on the size of the plot).
For more information and viewing appointments, please contact the real estate agent at +385 91 5676553 or by e-mail at: astrid.pavesic@lider.hr
The minimum size for building plots in this zone is 300m2.
There are several plots on offer, from 385m2 to 535m2, and the buildable part of the plot is between 110m2 and 200m2 (depending on the size of the plot).
For more information and viewing appointments, please contact the real estate agent at +385 91 5676553 or by e-mail at: astrid.pavesic@lider.hr
Dintorni di Crikvenica - Grižane - Dolinci offriamo un terreno edificabile di 370 m2, con una strada di accesso trafficata e collegamenti (elettricità, acqua) alle infrastrutture vicine.
La dimensione minima dei terreni edificabili in quella zona è di 300 m2.
Ci sono diversi terreni in offerta, da 385 m2 a 535 m2, e la parte edificabile del terreno va da 110 m2 a 200 m2 (a seconda delle dimensioni del terreno).
Per tutte le informazioni aggiuntive e l'organizzazione della visione dell'immobile, contattare l'agente allo 091/5676553 o all'indirizzo astrid.pavesic@lider.hr
La dimensione minima dei terreni edificabili in quella zona è di 300 m2.
Ci sono diversi terreni in offerta, da 385 m2 a 535 m2, e la parte edificabile del terreno va da 110 m2 a 200 m2 (a seconda delle dimensioni del terreno).
Per tutte le informazioni aggiuntive e l'organizzazione della visione dell'immobile, contattare l'agente allo 091/5676553 o all'indirizzo astrid.pavesic@lider.hr
Izračun kredita
146 € za mjesec*
Znesek kredita
22.050 €
Delež privarčevanih sredstev
9.450 €
Obrestna mera
Cena nepremičnine
31.500 €
*Prikazani izračun je informativen. Če razmišljate o kreditu, pridobite individualno ponudbo banke.